Sunday, January 14, 2007


1. out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming: an incongruous effect; incongruous behavior.
2. not harmonious in character; inconsonant; lacking harmony of parts: an incongruous mixture of styles.
3. inconsistent: actions that were incongruous with their professed principles.

[taken from dictionary dot com. wonderful thing, this thing called in-ta-net]

After taking a sabbatical for God knows how long, I've decided to blog again after procastinating and "forgetting" about it for eons. Although I don't really care what people think about blogging, I just feel it is an avenue for everyone and anyone to write what they want or what they don't want other people to know (irony is just a part of life). Anyhoo, it's been a long time since I felt the need and urge to punch out a couple of lines in cyberspace on this little thing called the in-ta-net. Inconsistency, ironicsm and pure foolish thoughts on what I do and what I say is part of my life and if you can't stand what I write or put in this blog, please get the hell out of hear cause i don't give a rat's ass on what you think or say or do. I am and am not a racist, I am greedy yet I'm generous, I am not politically correct but I still stick my nose in it whenever and wherever I could and finally and in all honest-to-goodness-you-crappy-people-out-there-that-I-don't-give-a-shit-about, welcome to my blog.

Please feel free to "i-can't-be-bothered" to stick your noses in my turd and roses if it doesn't offend your olfactory senses anytime and anywhere. To my fellow friends come and sniff at the roses. To my dear fellow politicians whom we worship, praise and cajoled, you can jolly-well stuff your nose into my turd(s) anytime you please. I do believe you know the meaning of turd don't you? If not look it up in the dictionary and feel free to sue my @$$ anytime cuz they are related if you know what i mean. Especially to that idiot with the fake transplanted hairdo that recently caused my fellow countrymen to grouse about the current state of affairs in this country. I don't want to say anything about his financial state but will somebody please just check how much he makes per month and how much he actually has in his pockets? damm....i'm gonna get sued for sure. gotta love the in-ta-net.

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