Music Music Music... :P
Had a great holiday (although this is only the 2nd week). Went down to Singapore to do a another project with him entitled Alice in Wonderland. Had a great 2 days of doing work although there was a lack of sleep in the end. It was fun and I really want to thank my parents for allowing me to do what I love, Varian for offering me this job and knowing that I really want to do it (although he pays me good money but that's not the actual reason why I'm doing it...honest!!!), my friends for their support for encouraging me to do what I want to do and of course my Dear Dear Dear Dear darling who knows how much I wanted to do these types of projects and as a result we have to put our holiday plans on hold for awhile.
I know some of you will probably call me a selfish jerk for not taking her for a holiday first, and truth to be told, the timing was a little crappy but we shifted our schedules around and hopefully we can be in langkawi by next week. The music job really tired me out and I am looking forward to a good rest in langkawi. I know it was only a 2 day job, but try keeping awake for 36 hours and getting your creative juices plugging into the Roland and the Mac and you can be physically drained out. I ended up sleeping in Starbucks Victoria Street while waiting for the shops to open. Poor Varian had to run out early in the morning to meet up with his boss at 8.30 am and we worked through the nite to get everything done up for the play.
I'm glad for Varian though. Hopefully everything will fall into place and he is able to do what he really wants to do and I get some of it too...hehehe. Over the number of projects I've done with Varian, I've noticed my style is getting kinda stale over the years. I suppose that's what will happen when you do too much computing studies and you get stuck with repetitiveness over and over again. Time to flush out and redo everything from the start so that when the next project comes I will have another set of juices flowing for the project.
One thing I've learnt or am trying to implement from Varian is a strong sense of respect for intellectual property or IP for short. He makes sure I get my dues from the songs that I did the last time in another project, asking from the artists permission for using his ambigram for his tattoo and paying respect and dues to the any artist (musically or artistically) for the usage of their works. It really gotten me thinking about the fact we Malaysians have still a long way in terms of respecting IP and we really need to think about it because otherwise musicians and artists in this country will run to our neighbours to make it big. Come to think about it, I think I'll do the same one day.
That's all for today. Time to play CnC 3 with the DVD Jackal bought from Holiday Plaza...cheerios!
- Written in Starbucks Taipan